Posts Tagged "retirement"

You’re never too old to learn, right? So now’s the right time to try adult continuing education.

Older adults have a multitude of options to learn and experience more these days. In some cases, you don’t have to leave where you love aging in place. In other cases, you can get out, meet new people, learn in exciting environments and experience new adventures.

Even better, you can find adult continuing education that fits almost any schedule and budget.

Haven’t convinced you to pursue it yet? Then consider this. Researchers found older adults who participate in lifel…

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Older adults seem to be the major target – and eventual victims – of scams. Here’s how you can identify, avoid and report scams.

Criminals use current events – and many classic tactics – to gain trust through computers, phones and the mail. Even worse, if they’re successful once, scammers will latch on and scam more because they see the potential for significant financial gain, FBI experts say.

And older adults are targeted more often because they’re trusting, polite and have many concerns that scammers can zero in on.

The old adage is true – If it sounds too good …

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Nearly every older adult has some vision of financial fitness – whether it’s freedom from debt, comfortable retirement, money in the bank or beyond.

But very few older adults can achieve financial fitness without being conscientious now and planning for the future. The new year is a good time to assess your finances and make necessary plans for “shaping up.”

Experts at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (probably better known as the familiar FDIC at your local bank) say it’s important to consider financial fitness before you retire. And if you’re already retire…

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aging and names

“You can call me anything, just don’t call me late to dinner…or elderly or geezer or old age pensioner!” Aging and the names we call ourselves or allow people to call us throughout our lives matter.

It seems there are two stages in our lives when it truly matters what people call us: when we are teenagers and when we  have “advanced beyond the middle of our lives.” These are the two significant transition periods in our lives.

In the first period, we are approaching the apogee of human existence, adulthood! Remember when you were a whole eight and a HALF?…

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The Friends Life Care team has been working hard to put together a full slate of events and experiences for you in Fall 2019. You’ll find the full list of activities on the Friends Life Care website. They are free or have a nominal fee to cover basic costs.  All members and friends are invited to attend.

This is one more way that Friends Life Care delivers on its philosophy regarding health, wellness and prevention: VigR® Vitality, Independence, Growth, Resilience™.
Registration is now open.
Click this link to sign up today as space can be limited. If you pref…

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